can we save local businesses?

Closed, shut down, gone under. Over the past three years, these words have haunted our favourite local businesses. Seeing many of them losing vast parts of their clientele was devastating, with far too many left with no choice but to close. Yet, statistics show that we shop just as much...

can sun protection be achieved without SPF?

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and this is undoubtedly true in the case of sun protection! Yet, many of us struggle to maintain good sun-protection habits, even throughout the summertime! Using sun protection daily can significantly slow signs of aging like dark spots, wrinkles, and...

the best clean foundation ever

Flakiness, patchiness, caking, and cracking. Hearing these terms instantly brings one thing to mind: a foundation that’s just not sitting right. A common cause of those issues is wearing a foundation that doesn't suit your skin type, accentuating texture and working against it rather than with it. Our skin-loving foundations are...

earth hour to earth day to earth life

in a disposable world, switching to refillable is an act of bravery. we want to encourage you to shop zero waste for the next 26 days. not only will we be featuring all of our package free and refillable brands during this time, but we will be offering a free...