not your typical NY wishes

Going with the flow of the energies in our world instead of against it allows us to expand and grow, even though we understand this goes against what we are socially expected to do - which is to review our year in December and set up plans for 2023. 

think you have combination skin?

Our understanding of skin types from those young, teenage years, was that skin can be oily, combination, normal, or dry. Combo and oily skin were the most common, presenting the risk for acne, enlarged pores, and embarrassing shininess with it. This led to a years-long struggle for so many, trying to understand what would save their skin, what would finally make it “normal”.

green is the new black

What was once an unmatched 24-hour opportunity to shop exclusive deals has, in recent years, turned into an entire season defined by materialism. From October to December, we’re inundated with notifications about Black Friday sales, all competing with each other to provide the best deal and encouraging us to overconsume....

skincare's best-kept secret

Have we been ignoring the most potent skincare products available? Oils. Without a doubt the most misunderstood type of beauty product on the market. When some endorse their benefits while others warn against the damage they can cause, we’re left confused, wondering whether there’s any truth to the skepticism. Why...